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  • Blues Festival of Béjar

    Blues Festival of Béjar

    Béjar, very well known by its good quality clothing and nowadays by its historical site and tourist centre of the sierra, is also a national cultural site.

  • Ducal Palace of Béjar

    Ducal Palace of Béjar

    The Ducal Palace of Béjar, or Palace of the Duchesses of Béjar, was built in the 16th century on the remains of the Arab alcazaba, commissioned by the Zuñiga Family.

  • Alba de Tormes Castle

    Alba de Tormes Castle

    The magnificent Tower Keep, also called Armoury Tower, is an important part of the profile of Alba de Tormes. It is also the most remarkable element in the interesting route through the villa.

  • Concepcion Fortressn

    Concepcion Fortress

    We are not going too far if we say that this is one of the most outstanding military fortresses in Spain. It is located not far from Ciudad Rodrigo, in the village of Aldea del Obispo, in the border with Portugal, where it used to act as a lookout building.

  • Sendero de La Barca

    Sendero de La Barca

    This path leads the hikers among orchads, along old stony paths towards settings that offer some of the most amazing views of Las Arribes of the river Duero.

  • Castillo de Miranda del Castañar

    Miranda del Castañar Castle

    It was built in the XIVth and XVth centuries over another old fortress. In fact, according to some of the current remains, it is believed that this first building could house the legendary Order of the Templar Knights, for accommodation purposes.

  • Castillo de Buen Amor

    Buen Amor Castle

    The origin of this especial name does not disappoint the visitors.