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  • Asentadero-Bosque de los Espejos
    El Asentadero – Bosque de los Espejos

El Asentadero – Bosque de los Espejos

This is a 9,2 kilometres circular route which connects the villages of San Martín del Castañar, Sequeros and Las Casas del Conde.

It is the ideal itinerary to enjoy the Natural Park of Las Batuecas-Sierra de Francia, where some surprising works of art have been installed.

El Asentadero-Bosque de los Espejos is a route which invites to looks at the landscape in a different way, to see the environment from the artistic point of view, to cross the mirrors or guess impossible reflects.

But the Natural Park has also a valuable architectonic heritage: its villages.

San Martín del Castañar is a beautiful artistic historical site which is located in a privileged area over a hill, giving as a result ovelwhelming views of the nearby valleys. The castle stands out in the middle of the landscape, and it houses the Interpretation Centre of the Bisophere Reserve.

Sequeros is another village we can find in this route; it enjoys an interesting location, with an altitude of 950 metres above sea level. This is why it has been awarded the declaration of “Lookout of the Sierra”.

The path of El Asentadero – Bosque de los Espejos also goes through Las Casas del Conde. It is located on the valley of the river Francia and its special weather makes it become the first village in La Sierra de Francia where the cherries grow.

Apart from the cultural and historic heritage, some works of art have been planted on the way as if they were permanent seeds.

The Torre de Intercambio (Interchange Tower) (by Jesús Palmero); the Casa de Árbol (Tree House) and the Aguja (Needle) (Luque López), ephemeral magentas (José Antonio Juárez), Mochuelos (Pablo Amargo), and Open Doors in the middle of the Countryside (Manuel Pérez de Arrilucea) are some of the words of art you can enjoy on the way.

The current path includes a previous one, the so called “Asentadero de los curas”; some of the sculptures of this path still remain there.

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