Ruta de la Plata
The stretch of the Ruta de la Plata which goes across the province of Salamanca is worth a visit, due to any of these reasons: its archaeological sites or its historic heritage or the nature or gastronomy.
During the Roman period it was the main communication path, during the Conquest (because it was the access way from the Betica towards the north-west) as well as during the Imperial period. It started in Augusta Emerita (Merida), capital of the province of Lusitania, and ended in Asturica Augusta (Astorga). On its way, it went across different cities, such as Salmantica (Salamanca). As the Christian Conquest of the Peninsula moved toward the south, the Via de la Plata started to be a pilgrims´ way from the south towards Santiago de Compostela, and nowadays it is still being used like that.
In this area there are also some interesting remains of the Via de la Plata, such as gravestones, milestones or drains. This is also a good opportunity to visit the interesting historic sites of Salamanca, such as the capital city itself, Bejar, Montemayor del Rio and Candelario.