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Crafts and rural life

Crafts and rural life

Craftsmanship and rural life

The province of Salamanca treasures ancestral trades and traditions that have given rise to beautiful pieces of craftwork.

Metalsmiths and jewellers use precious metals to master the interlacing of the renowned Salamancan filigree in the provincial capital city of Salamanca, as well as in other municipalities all through the province, such as Ciudad Rodrigo, Mogarraz, San Martín del Castañar or Tamames. Crafted stonemasons, successors of those who helped decorate temples and palaces in the past, now work on sandstone in Villamayor as well as on granite in Sorihuela and Los Santos.

The humble clay in Alba de Tormes, Cespedosa or El Bodón is then transformed by potters and ceramists in domestic utensils and real works of art that anyone can afford nowadays. Villoruela then becomes the focus of wicker production, while La Alberca and Mogarraz carefully work the wood, and Montemayor del Río masters chestnut basketmaking.

Cotton and wool furnish the sewing craftsmanship of El Bodón and Morasverdes, allowing for the manufacturing of flashy embroidery in Sierra de Francia mountains. Livestock vocation in the province fosters the existence of expert leather workers and shoemakers in Macotera, Salamanca, Villavieja de Yeltes, Ciudad Rodrigo, Béjar and Mogarraz.

All of these are examples of the master artisans’ good deeds, whose labour enriches the culture and originality of this land.

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